Sunday, March 25, 2007

Change of season.

So its finally beginning to feel like Autumn and it has finally started raining, and it is much needed with the drought and all the water restrictions here in Australia.

This past week I have been thinking about how I have been living and how I want to change some of my ways and start to live a more simpler and "greener" life. I have decided to part take in becoming less focused on buying things I simply don't need and start using the things I already have and don't use.
Also Kristian and I are going to go around the house and replace all the old washer's on our taps to prevent and stop leaks, replace our old light bulbs with more energy efficient ones and I am going to start a compost heap and buying our fruits and vegetables from farmers markets instead of from the chain supermarkets.

I shall continue to update on my new "greener" life.